Don’t Dump Your Leaves… Keep Your Storm Drains Clean

Fall is a beautiful time of year, the air is a little crisper, the frost is on the pumpkins and the trees are displaying their vibrant colors as winter approaches. The leaves changing colors also signals the fact the trees will be dropping the leaves and creating a bunch of work for all of us as we rake our yards. To help prevent spring flooding and water damage, please do not rake leaves into roadside ditches. These drainage systems are there to provide drainage to our road system.  Dumping leaves and grass clippings into any system that conveys stormwater can block flows and cause water damage to the road, nearby homes, and other property. So PLEASE do not dump leaves or grass clippings into roadside ditches or drains.


Also, if you have a catch basin in your yard or on the corner, clear it of any leaves or debris that could block stormwater runoff from entering it. A little effort now means less chance of water damage later. There are over 26,000 catch basins in Saginaw County, there is not enough staff to clean them every year. Your help is appreciated.



The only thing that should go down our storm drains is rainwater. Anything else, such as grass clippings, leaves, oil, vehicle fluids, fertilizer and pet waste is considered an ILLICIT DISCHARGE. What goes into our storm drainage system goes directly to the rivers and Saginaw Bay where we play, fish and boat. Do your “Bit for the Bay” keep our stormwater clean!

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