Construction Stormwater Runoff Control Plan (CSWRCP)

Polluted stormwater runoff from construction sites often flows to storm sewers and ultimately is discharged into local rivers and streams. Sediment is usually the main pollutant of concern when it comes to construction activities. According to the 2000 National Water Quality Inventory, States and Tribes report that sedimentation is one of the most widespread pollutants affecting assessed rivers and streams, second only to pathogens (bacteria). Sedimentation impairs 84,503 river and stream miles (12% of the assessed river and stream miles and 31% of the impaired river and stream miles). Sources of sedimentation include agriculture, urban runoff, construction, and forestry. Sediment runoff rates from construction sites, however, are typically 10 to 20 times greater than those of agricultural lands, and 1,000 to 2,000 times greater than those of forest lands. During a short period of time, construction sites can contribute more sediment to streams than can be deposited naturally during several decades. The resulting siltation, and the contribution of other pollutants from construction sites, can cause physical, chemical, and biological harm to our nation’s waters. The goal of the storm water construction control document is to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff from construction activities. *

* From EPA fact sheet